Saturday, January 28, 2012

Layanan ShoutMix Mengentikaln Layanan ChatBox Gratis

           Awal tahun 2012, ada kabar kurang mengenakkan bagi blogger yang menggunakan chatbox shoutmix pada buku tamunya. Pasalnya per tanggal 1 Januari 2012 kemarin, (bertepatan dengan tahun baru 2012)  shoutmix resmi menghentikan layanan chatbox shoutmix gratisnya. Bagi free member yang masih ingin menggunakan chatbox shoutmix, maka harus upgrade menjadi paid member dengan berbagai pilihan plan yang tersedia mulai dari Mini, Premium, Plus, dan Pro.

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“Tingkat konversi tidak naikBahkan jauh lebih rendahStatistik kami menunjukkan 99,93% dari pengguna tidak memiliki niat baik untuk meng-upgrade atau hanya senang dengan layanan gratis kami. Hal terburuk dari semua itubeberapa pelanggan berbayar malah berhenti membayar dan beralih ke layanan gratis kami! “

          Hal ini menjadi hal yang kurang menyenangkan bagi para blogger_kita mengetahui bahwa chatbox merupakan tempat komunikasi antar blogger_dan saya sendiri juga sangat menyesalkan hal ini__semua percakapan yang telah terjalin dari sekian lama dengan blogger lain hilang begitu saja...Jika kita tidak ingin kehilangan shoutbox-nya,maka kita harus harus mengupgrade ke ShoutMix premium (berbayar) jika anda ingin terus menggunakan jasa ShoutMix. Namun bagi anda yang menginginkan layanan chat lain yang free mungkin anda bisa beralih layanan chat yang lain sebut saja Cbox (Sementara Masih Free). Tampilan dari Cbox ga jauh beda dengan shoutmix yang beda cuma gratisannya. Berikut Beberapa Tampilan Dari Cbox.
Jika anda ingin memiliki CBox silahkan mendaftar ke alamat
Terima kasih__God bless
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Economy of China

         For centuries China stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences, but in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation. After World War II, the Communists under MAO Zedong established an autocratic socialist system that, while ensuring China's sovereignty, imposed strict controls over everyday life and cost the lives of tens of millions of people. After 1978, MAO's successor DENG Xiaoping and other leaders focused on market-oriented economic development and by 2000 output had quadrupled. For much of the population, living standards have improved dramatically and the room for personal choice has expanded, yet political controls remain tight. China since the early 1990s has increased its global outreach and participation in international organizations.

          Throughout most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as during much of earlier Chinese history, the economy was barely able to meet the basic needs of the country's huge population--the largest in the world . In normal years the economy produced just about the amount of food required to meet the minimum nutritional requirements of the populace. In times of drought, flood, warfare, or civil disorder, there was not enough food, and before 1949 such conditions often led to starvation on a vast scale. Under the government of the People's Republic, food shortages were countered by redistributing supplies within China and by importing grain from abroad, which successfully averted famine except in the catastrophic years of 1959, 1960, and 1961.

          Despite formidable constraints and disruptions, the Chinese economy was never stagnant. Production grew substantially between 1800 and 1949 and increased fairly rapidly after 1949. Before the 1980s, however, production gains were largely matched by population growth, so that productive capacity was unable to outdistance essential consumption needs significantly, particularly in agriculture. Grain output in 1979 was about twice as large as in 1952, but so was the population. As a result, little surplus was produced even in good years. Further, few resources could be spared for investment in capital goods, such as machinery, factories, mines, railroads, and other productive assets. The relatively small size of the capital stock caused productivity per worker to remain low, which in turn perpetuated the economy's inability to generate a substantial surplus .

          China's socialist system, with state ownership of most industry and central control over planning and the financial system, has enabled the government to mobilize whatever surplus was available and greatly increase the proportion of the national economic output devoted to investment. Western analysts estimated that investment accounted for about 25 percent of GNP in the 30 years after 1949, a rate surpassed by few other countries. Because of the comparatively low level of GNP, however, even this high rate of investment secured only a small amount of resources relative to the size of the country and the population. In 1978, for instance, only 16 percent of the GNP of the United States went into gross investment, but this amounted to US$345.6 billion, whereas the approximately 25 percent of China's GNP that was invested came to about the equivalent of US$111 billion and had to serve a population 4.5 times the size of that in the United States. The limited resources available for investment prevented China from rapidly producing or importing advanced equipment. 

          Technological development proceeded gradually, and outdated equipment continued to be used as long as possible. Consequently, many different levels of technology were in use simultaneously . Most industries included some plants that were comparable to modern Western facilities, often based on imported equipment and designs. Equipment produced by Chinese factories was generally some years behind standard Western designs. Agriculture received a smaller share of state investment than industry and remained at a much lower average level of technology and productivity. Despite a significant increase in the availability of tractors, trucks, electric pumps, and mechanical threshers, most agricultural activities were still performed by people or animals 

         Although the central administration coordinated the economy and redistributed resources among regions when necessary, in practice most economic activity was very decentralized, and there was relatively little flow of goods and services between areas. About 75 percent of the grain grown in China, for instance, was consumed by the families that produced it. One of the most important sources of growth in the economy was the improved ability to exploit the comparative advantages of each locality by expanding transportation capacity. The communications and transportation sectors were growing and improving but still could not carry the volume of traffic required by a modern economy because of the scarcity of investment funds and advanced technology .

          Because of limited interaction among regions, the great variety of geographic zones in China, and the broad spectrum of technologies in use, areas differed widely in economic activities, organizational forms, and prosperity . Within any given city, enterprises ranged from tiny, collectively owned handicraft units, barely earning subsistencelevel incomes for their members, to modern state-owned factories, whose workers received steady wages plus free medical care, bonuses, and an assortment of other benefits. The agricultural sector was diverse, accommodating well-equipped, "specialized households" that supplied scarce products and services to local markets; wealthy suburban villages specializing in the production of vegetables, pork, poultry, and eggs to sell in free markets in the nearby cities; fishing villages on the seacoast; herding groups on the grasslands of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region (Inner Mongolia); and poor, struggling grain-producing villages in the arid mountains of Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. The economy had progressed in major ways since 1949, but after four decades experts in China and abroad agreed that it had a great distance yet to go.

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Economy of Chile

          Prior to the coming of the Spanish in the 16th century, northern Chile was under Inca rule while the indigenous Mapuche inhabited central and southern Chile. Although Chile declared its independence in 1810, decisive victory over the Spanish was not achieved until 1818. In the War of the Pacific (1879-83), Chile defeated Peru and Bolivia and won its present northern regions. It was not until the 1880s that the Mapuche Indians were completely subjugated. After a series of elected governments, a three-year-old Marxist government of Salvador ALLENDE was overthrown in 1973 by a military coup led by Augusto PINOCHET, who ruled until a freely elected president was installed in 1990. Sound economic policies, maintained consistently since the 1980s, have contributed to steady growth, reduced poverty rates by over half, and have helped secure the country's commitment to democratic and representative government. Chile has increasingly assumed regional and international leadership roles befitting its status as a stable, democratic nation.
In colonial times, the segmentation of Chile into latifundios left only small parcels for native American and mestizo  villagers to cultivate. Cattle raised on the latifundios were a source of tallow and hides, which were sent, via Peru, to Spain. Wheat was Chile's principal export during the colonial period. From theinquilinos (peons), indentured to the encomenderos, or latifundio owners, to the merchants andencomenderos themselves, a chain of dependent relations ran all the way to the Spanish metropolis 

          After Chile won its independence in 1818, the economy prospered through a combination of mercantilist and free-market policies. Agricultural exports, primarily wheat, were the mainstay of the export economy. By mid-century, however, Chile had become one of the world's leading producers of copper. After Chile defeated Bolivia and Peru in the War of the Pacific (1879-83), nitrate mines in areas conquered during the war became the source of huge revenues, which were lavished on imports, public works projects, education, and, less directly, the expansion of an incipient industrial sector (see The Liberal Era, 1861-91 , ch. 1). Between 1890 and 1924, nitrate output averaged about a quarter of GDP. Taxes on nitrate exports accounted for about half of the government's ordinary budget revenues from 1880 to 1920. By 1910 Chile had established itself as one of the most prosperous countries in Latin America.

          Dependence on revenues from nitrate exports contributed to financial instability because the size of government expenditures depended on the vagaries of the export market. Indeed, Chile was faced with a severe domestic crisis when the nitrate bonanza ended abruptly during World War I as a result of the invention of synthetic substitutes by German scientists. Gradually, copper replaced nitrates as Chile's main export commodity. Using new technologies that made it feasible to extract copper from lowergrade ores, United States companies bought existing Chilean mines for large-scale development.

         Chile initially felt the impact of the Great Depression (see Glossary) in 1930, when GDP dropped 14 percent, mining income declined 27 percent, and export earnings fell 28 percent. By 1932 GDP had shrunk to less than half of what it had been in 1929, exacting a terrible toll in unemployment and business failures. The League of Nations (see Glossary) labeled Chile the country hardest hit by the Great Depression because 80 percent of government revenue came from exports of copper and nitrates, which were in low demand.
         Influenced profoundly by the Great Depression, many national leaders promoted the development of local industry in an effort to insulate the economy from future external shocks. After six years of government austerity measures, which succeeded in reestablishing Chile's creditworthiness, Chileans elected to office during the 1938-58 period a succession of center and left-of-center governments interested in promoting economic growth by means of government intervention.
Prompted in part by the devastating earthquake of 1939, the Chilean government created the Production Development Corporation (Corporación de Fomento de la Producción--Corfo) to encourage with subsidies and direct investments an ambitious program of importsubstitution industrialization. Consequently, as in other Latin American countries, protectionism became an entrenched aspect of the Chilean economy.
         Import-substitution industrialization was spurred on by the advent of World War II and the loss of access to many imported products. State enterprises in electric power, steel, petroleum, and other heavy industries were also created and expanded during the first years of the industrialization process, mostly under the guidance of Corfo, and the foundations of the manufacturing sector were set. Between 1937 and 1950, the manufacturing sector grew at an average yearly real rate of almost 7 percent.
         Despite initially impressive rates of growth, importsubstitution industrialization did not produce a sustainable expansion of the manufacturing sector. With the industrialization process evolved an array of restrictions, controls, and often contradictory regulations. With time, consumer-oriented industries found that their markets were limited in a society where a large percentage of the population was poor and where many rural inhabitants lived at the margins of the money economy. The economic model did not generate a viable capital goods (see Glossary) industry because firms relied on imports of often outmoded capital and intermediate goods. Survival often depended on state subsidies or state protection. In fact, it was because of these import restrictions that many of the domestic industries were able to survive. For example, a number of comparative studies have indicated that Chile had one of the highest, and more variable, structures of protection in the developing world. As a consequence, many, if not most, of the industries created under the importsubstitution industrialization strategy were inefficient. Also, it has been argued that this strategy led to the use of highly capital-intensive production(see Glossary), which, among other inefficiencies, hampered job creation. Additionally, the importsubstitution industrialization strategy generated an economy that was particularly vulnerable to external shocks.
         During the import-substitution industrialization period, copper continued to be the principal export commodity and source of foreign exchange, as well as an important generator of government revenues. The Chilean government's retained share of the value of copper output increased from about one-quarter in 1925 to over four-fifths in 1970, mainly through higher taxes. Although protectionist policies better insulated Chile from the occasional shocks of world commodities markets, price shifts continued to take their toll.

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Economy of Cameroon

          The former French Cameroon and part of British Cameroon merged in 1961 to form the present country. Cameroon has generally enjoyed stability, which has permitted the development of agriculture, roads, and railways, as well as a petroleum industry. Despite slow movement toward democratic reform, political power remains firmly in the hands of President Paul BIYA.

          Because of its modest oil resources and favorable agricultural conditions, Cameroon has one of the best-endowed primary commodity economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Still, it faces many of the serious problems facing other underdeveloped countries, such as stagnate per capita income, a relatively inequitable distribution of income, a top-heavy civil service, and a generally unfavorable climate for business enterprise. 

         Since 1990, the government has embarked on various IMF and World Bank programs designed to spur business investment, increase efficiency in agriculture, improve trade, and recapitalize the nation's banks. The IMF is pressing for more reforms, including increased budget transparency, privatization, and poverty reduction programs. Weak prices for oil and cocoa led to the significant slowdown in growth in 2009. The government is under pressure to reduce its budget deficit, which by the government's own forecast will hit 2.8% of GDP, but the presidential election in 2011 may make fiscal austerity difficult.

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Economy of Canada

          A land of vast distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Economically and technologically the nation has developed in parallel with the US, its neighbor to the south across an unfortified border. Canada faces the political challenges of meeting public demands for quality improvements in health care and education services, as well as responding to the particular concerns of predominantly francophone Quebec. Canada also aims to develop its diverse energy resources while maintaining its commitment to the environment.

          As an affluent, high-tech industrial society in the trillion-dollar class, Canada resembles the US in its market-oriented economic system, pattern of production, and affluent living standards. Since World War II, the impressive growth of the manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has transformed the nation from a largely rural economy into one primarily industrial and urban. The 1989 US-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (which includes Mexico) touched off a dramatic increase in trade and economic integration with the US, its principal trading partner. 
          Canada enjoys a substantial trade surplus with the US, which absorbs about three-fourths of Canadian exports each year. Canada is the US's largest foreign supplier of energy, including oil, gas, uranium, and electric power. Given its great natural resources, skilled labor force, and modern capital plant, Canada enjoyed solid economic growth from 1993 through 2007. Buffeted by the global economic crisis, the economy dropped into a sharp recession in the final months of 2008, and Ottawa posted its first fiscal deficit in 2009 after 12 years of surplus. Canada's major banks, however, emerged from the financial crisis of 2008-09 among the strongest in the world, owing to the country's tradition of conservative lending practices and strong capitalization. During 2010, Canada's economy grew only 3%, because of weak exports.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012


          Hhahahahhaa__masalah perut_saya adalah salah satu yang mengalami masalah ini _hhahaha_meskipun demikian saya bakal nge-post bagaimana cara mengecilkan perut....Dengan kondisi masalah perut membuat sistem sirkulasi tubuh tidak berjalan normal dan menjadi pemicu timbulnya berbagai masalah kesehatan, seperti kadar kolesterol tinggi dan tekanan darah tinggi. Sebagian besar perut menggelembung alias buncit disebabkan oleh faktor dasar yaitu gaya hidup yang salah. Berikut ini beberapa cara untuk menghilangkan perut buncit baik pada pria maupun wanita

1. Minum air
Jika kepenuhan perut disebabkan oleh penyimpanan air, Anda sebenarnya dapat mengurangi masalah tersebut dengan minum air lebih banyak. Hal ini akan mencairkan konsentrasi sodium dalam tubuh sehingga meningkatkan jumlah air yang keluar dari sistem. Minum lebih banyak air juga menjamin fungsi empedu efektif untuk mengeluarkan produk sampah. Jangan merubah konsumsi air saat diet karena banyak bahan yang sulit dicerna dan dapat menyebabkan perut menggelembung.

2. Makan perlahan-lahan

Hindari makan cepat, karena ketika Anda menelan terlalu cepat, setidaknya udara tertahan dalam usus dan membentuk gas yang dapat memicu penggelembungan perut. Selalu duduk saat makan dan kunyah makan secara perlahan-lahan. Makanan yang tidak terkunyah menjadi bagian-bagian kecil tidak dapat dicerna dengan sempurna yang kemudian menghasilkan banyak gas yang menimbulkan penggelembungan.

3. Mengurangi konsumsi garam
Terlalu banyak garam dalam diet menambah ektra sodium terhadap cairan tubuh yang memperlambat mekanisme sehingga mendorong air keluar dari sel. Akibatnya perut terasa penuh dan menggelembung.

4. Konsumsi serat yang tepat
          Serat adalah elemen penting dalam diet, tetapi untuk mengimbangi penyimpanan air yang menyebabkan penggelembungan, makanlah serat dalam buah-buahan seperti apel dan pear yang memiliki banyak kandungan air.

5. Awasi pengobatan
Perut yang mengembang adalah efek samping dari konsumsi obat. Aspirin kadang-kadang menyebabkan masalah perut yang memicu sembelit dan penggelembungan, termasuk pil kontrasepsi.

6. Hindari sembelit
Sembelit didefinisikan sebagai memiliki lebih sedikit dari tiga kali buang air besar dalam seminggu atau jika terlibat ketegangan. Sebagai akibat perut terasa menambah besar. Untuk merangsang isi perut, tingkatkan konsumsi serat dari buah-buahan dan sayuran, lakukan secara gradual untuk menghindari fermentasi dan produksi gas yang berlebihan.

7. Olahraga
          Olahraga memang salah satu cara yang wajib ditempuh untuk menghilangkan si perut buncit. Olahraga akan membantu menggerakkan cairan dalam perut yang dapat menyebabkan perut besar dengan mendorongnya keluar dari jaringan dan masuk aliran darah dimana akan dilkeluarkan sebagai keringat atau dibawa ke empedu untuk dikeluarkan sebagai urine. Olahraga yang disarankan antara lain aerobik.

Berikut Latihan untuk Mengecilkan Perut :
1. Berbaringlah di atas matras dengan kedua kaki dan tangan lurus ke atas.
2. Ambil napas lewat hidung dan luruskan tulang belakang.
3. Buang napas lewat mulut sambil mengangkat bagian atas tubuh (kepala, leher, dan bahu) semaksimal mungkin hingga kedua tangan hampir menyentuh kedua kaki.

1. Berbaringlah di atas matras dengan tangan diposisikan di belakang kepala.
2. Tekuk kaki kiri sehingga lutut kiri mengarah ke dada, sedangkan kaki kanan diangkat hingga membentuk sudut 45 derajat dengan lantai.
3. Angkat bagian atas tubuh (kepala, leher, dan bahu), dan arahkan pundak sebelah kanan untuk mendekati kaki kiri. Tahan hingga 3 hitungan.
4. Lakukan juga untuk sisi tubuh sebelah kanan, dan ulangi hingga 8-15 kali untuk masing-masing sisi tubuh.

1. Berbaringlah di atas matras dengan tangan di belakang kepala atau di sisi samping tubuh (pilihlah posisi yang membuat Anda lebih merasa nyaman)
2. Angkat bagian tubuh atas (pundak, leher, dan kepala) agar tidak menyentuh lantai, lalu angkat kedua kaki lurus ke atas dan kontraksikan otot perut.
3. Turunkan sedikit kedua kaki secara perlahan (maksimal 5 cm), tahan, lalu angkat perlahan hingga lurus ke atas kembali.
4. Ulangi hingga 8-15 kali.

1. Berbaringlah di atas matras dengan kedua tangan memegang dumbbell sambil diletakkan di atas dada, lalu tekuk kedua kaki.
2. Tarik napas lewat hidung dan luruskan tulang belakang.
3. Buang napas lewat mulut dan kencangkan otot perut, lalu angkat bagian atas tubuh (pundak, leher, dan kepala) dari matras.
4. Turunkan kembali badan secara perlahan, ulangi hingga 8-12 kali.

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